"Responding to the inmost longing of every heart to commune with its Maker..."
Uplifting the human spirit
All over the world, Bahá'ís and their friends, co-workers and neighbors are inviting people to devotional gatherings. The purpose is to create a space for sharing things that uplift the human spirit -- things like music, poetry, prayer, song, stories, or even just thoughts and reflections -- anything that we find inspirational. One of the aspects of a devotional gathering is that it has no one set of rules to follow. It can be as formal and structured or as informal and spontaneous as we wish. No two are exactly alike. Since the central goal of the Bahá'í Faith is to promote the oneness of humankind, there is often great diversity in the readings and prayers and songs at these gatherings. The similarity is that they all speak to the human soul.
These meetings usually take place in people’s homes, or other settings.
Praying and reflecting together on spiritual principles is an essential part of life. Devotional gatherings stimulate a spiritual awareness within our inner selves and create stronger, deeper bonds in our neighborhoods and among our friends. |
Anyone can hold a devotional gathering.
Most importantly, these devotionals can be held by anyone, either by hosting one in your own home or helping to host a gathering elsewhere. The Bahá’í teachings seek to empower each of us to create an uplifting and spiritual atmosphere in our own communities. You are welcome to join a devotional gathering near you, and to simply sit, meditate and enjoy the atmosphere, or to play a more active role. An attitude of prayer and reverence is universal to all religions and the need to reflect on our lives is appreciated by people of varied backgrounds. These devotional gatherings are open to all. |
Devotional gatherings are a chance for us to learn how to create an uplifting, spiritual atmosphere. This often involves music and the arts. The key is to help clear our minds from the anxieties of our daily lives and to meditate on our higher purpose.
To learn more about how to take part in a devotional gathering, please contact us here.
To learn more about how to take part in a devotional gathering, please contact us here.